Monday, August 10, 2015

Michael Snedeker | Over come procrastination

 Over come procrastination 
Do you have a problem with procrastination?
It’s so easy to do it later…or tomorrow…or next week.
It’s so much easier to stay in my comfort zone than to create that new project and create that new test.
In fact, even though I’ve accomplished quite a bit online, I still find myself facing the procrastination monster from time to time.
Here are 7 quick tips to help you overcome procrastination.

Michael Snedeker is a Certified Business Coach. With almost two decades of experience in high level positions in the banking and investment industry, and nearly a decade of experience as a small business owner himself, Michael has thorough experience building teams with businesses and entrepreneurs that are focused on advancement. A prolific public speaker, he has a passion for helping businesses grow and become profitable so that business owners and executives can enjoy the lifestyle they desire. Michael works with his clients to set clear, achievable goals by proposing specific management tools that can be implemented immediately into any business plan or model. Depending on a client’s needs and situation, he offers a number of one-on-one and group coaching programs to help them grow their businesses, engage their teams, and excel in their various fields. A member of a multitude of local and national professional associations, Michael enjoys following college and professional football, motorcycle riding, and fishing in his free time.
1. Make Action Notes
Create action notes when you’re studying any type of information product, listening to a teleconference, or attending a seminar.
It’s easy to simply make notes on all the great information you hear, but that won’t do your business any good. The only part of the information that does you good is the part you USE to build your business.
So create a list of action points. I do this when reading an ebook or any other form of information. If I write down just one action point, the product has been worthwhile. If I have an empty page when finished, it wasn’t worth my time or money.
What you have to be careful about is to make sure you don’t write dozens and dozens of “action points.” Those are notes. You’re going to be hard pressed to really pull out more than 3 action points at any time.

2. Get Rid of Fear
Part of the reason we procrastinate is because we’re afraid of what’s going to happen when we step out.
Some of us are afraid of failure…while others are actually afraid of success (their mind is blocking them).
For me, I’ve simply changed my attitude about “failure.” If a project doesn’t work, it isn’t a failure. It’s a test. Well I tested that and it didn’t work. Now I’ll test something else.
That way you’re not personalizing the “failure” to yourself. All marketing is simply a test that we keep learning and growing from.
Growing experiences aren’t always fun, but they happen.

3. Turn Off Distractions
Michael Snedeker is a Certified Business Coach. With almost two decades of experience in high level positions in the banking and investment industry, and nearly a decade of experience as a small business owner himself, Michael has thorough experience building teams with businesses and entrepreneurs that are focused on advancement. A prolific public speaker, he has a passion for helping businesses grow and become profitable so that business owners and executives can enjoy the lifestyle they desire. Michael works with his clients to set clear, achievable goals by proposing specific management tools that can be implemented immediately into any business plan or model. Depending on a client’s needs and situation, he offers a number of one-on-one and group coaching programs to help them grow their businesses, engage their teams, and excel in their various fields. A member of a multitude of local and national professional associations, Michael enjoys following college and professional football, motorcycle riding, and fishing in his free time.You know you have to write that article, produce that video, or create that website. It’s so much easier though to live in a state of distraction where you’re constantly checking your email, answering the phone, or visiting your favorite forum.
Turn off all those distractions. Focus on the task at hand. When it’s time to write, sit down and write. Don’t edit. That comes later. Simply start typing whether it’s good or crap. It doesn’t matter. It’s taking the action.

4. Daily Plan
At the end of each day I spend about 3 to 5 minutes writing a quick schedule for tomorrow. When I slack on this, I end up wasting at least an hour trying to figure out what to do.
Don’t ask me why that is. I don’t know. Five minutes to write a schedule for tomorrow…an hour of wasted time if I try it in the morning.
What’s the primary goal tomorrow? How will I grow my business tomorrow? What’s a rough schedule for each hour tomorrow?
Real simple…and written on normal paper in a desktop calendar. I don’t even use any software for this basic planning.

5. Do the Most Profitable Activities First
What is the most profitable activity in your business? Do it first. It might be creating that new product, writing sales copy, or contacting potential partners for your upcoming project.
One activity that should come in every day is a marketing activity designed to generate new business (even when you’re busy). It could be as small as adding five new keyword phrases to your Adwords account, running one ezine ad, or submitting your post to social sites.
Which activity you take isn’t what I’m focusing on here. All I’m looking at is making sure you’re doing something to generate new business and/or buying visitors everyday.

Michael Snedeker is a Certified Business Coach. With almost two decades of experience in high level positions in the banking and investment industry, and nearly a decade of experience as a small business owner himself, Michael has thorough experience building teams with businesses and entrepreneurs that are focused on advancement. A prolific public speaker, he has a passion for helping businesses grow and become profitable so that business owners and executives can enjoy the lifestyle they desire. Michael works with his clients to set clear, achievable goals by proposing specific management tools that can be implemented immediately into any business plan or model. Depending on a client’s needs and situation, he offers a number of one-on-one and group coaching programs to help them grow their businesses, engage their teams, and excel in their various fields. A member of a multitude of local and national professional associations, Michael enjoys following college and professional football, motorcycle riding, and fishing in his free time.6. Reward Yourself
Set milestones and reward yourself. Maybe your goal today is to write 10 articles. Your reward could be that you’re done for the day even if it only takes you 2 and a half hours.
Maybe it’s that item you wanted to buy if you finish the project by Wednesday. Maybe you get a 4 day weekend if you get done on Thursday.
Reward yourself with something when you reach your daily and weekly goals…even if it’s just a small item.

7. Accountability
Make yourself accountable to someone for what you want to accomplish. This could be a coach you work with or it could simply be a business friend. They tell you their weekly goals and you tell them yours.
Now you know you’re going to asked about how you did.
Have you ever tried working out alone compared to a workout partner? You’ll find yourself exercising even when you might have slipped because you can’t let your buddy down. Having someone who is relying on you in business can produce the same results.
Michael Snedeker is a Certified Business Coach. With almost two decades of experience in high level positions in the banking and investment industry, and nearly a decade of experience as a small business owner himself, Michael has thorough experience building teams with businesses and entrepreneurs that are focused on advancement. A prolific public speaker, he has a passion for helping businesses grow and become profitable so that business owners and executives can enjoy the lifestyle they desire. Michael works with his clients to set clear, achievable goals by proposing specific management tools that can be implemented immediately into any business plan or model. Depending on a client’s needs and situation, he offers a number of one-on-one and group coaching programs to help them grow their businesses, engage their teams, and excel in their various fields. A member of a multitude of local and national professional associations, Michael enjoys following college and professional football, motorcycle riding, and fishing in his free time.
For example, if you want to really make sure your project is done on time, make a commitment to others. Let those affiliates know when the new product is releasing. Tell your customers what is coming.
In other words, assign your own public accountability.

Michael Snedeker is a Certified Business Coach. With almost two decades of experience in high level positions in the banking and investment industry, and nearly a decade of experience as a small business owner himself, Michael has thorough experience building teams with businesses and entrepreneurs that are focused on advancement. A prolific public speaker, he has a passion for helping businesses grow and become profitable so that business owners and executives can enjoy the lifestyle they desire. Michael works with his clients to set clear, achievable goals by proposing specific management tools that can be implemented immediately into any business plan or model. Depending on a client’s needs and situation, he offers a number of one-on-one and group coaching programs to help them grow their businesses, engage their teams, and excel in their various fields. A member of a multitude of local and national professional associations, Michael enjoys following college and professional football, motorcycle riding, and fishing in his free time.

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