Monday, October 12, 2015

Business Coaching in Boston, Michael Snedeker: Free Seminar | 6 Steps to Building a Better Busine...

Business Coaching in Boston, Michael Snedeker: Free Seminar | 6 Steps to Building a Better Busine...: 6 Steps to Building a Better Business   Building a Winning Business    Friday, October 30, 2015 10:30-1:00  Waltham Public ...

Free Seminar | 6 Steps to Building a Better Business by Coach Michael Snedeker

6 Steps to Building a Better Business


Building a Winning Business 


Friday, October 30, 2015


 Waltham Public Library

735 Main St, Waltham, MA 02451


What You’ll Learn at 6 Steps to a Great Business:

How to work ON your business instead of IN your business.
 How to take immediate control of the time you spend at your business.
 How to turn your advertising and marketing into an investment instead of an expense.
 How to get back thousands of dollars in lost profits.
 How to recruit, motivate, educate, and retain exceptional employees.
 How to leverage your time to maximize efficiency and profits.
 How to systematize your business to provide consistent, exceptional customer service.
 How to get the quality of life that you started your business for in the first place!
The workshop is complimentary,
However seating is limited.
RSVP BY October 21st

 Click Here to RSVP

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Private Chef and Caterer in Boston | Eric Gaffin: Wedding Caterer in Boston by Chef E...

Private Chef and Caterer in Boston | Eric Gaffin: Wedding Caterer in Boston by Chef E...:   Wedding Caterer in Boston You’ve been dreaming about this day for years.  You want it to be as special and unique as ...

Business Coaching in Boston, Michael Snedeker: Leadership is a facet of management:

Business Coaching in Boston, Michael Snedeker: Leadership is a facet of management:: I had lunch last week with a past peer in one of my corporate positions, and we had a discussion how one of our superiors had tried to “man...

Leadership is a facet of management:

I had lunch last week with a past peer in one of my corporate positions, and we had a discussion how one of our superiors had tried to “manage” a billion dollar company through a particularly difficult situation, when he should have used “leadership” instead.

Leadership is a facet of management:Leadership is just one of the many assets a successful manager must possess. Care must be taken in distinguishing between the two concepts. The main aim of a manager is to maximize the output of the organization through administrative implementation. To achieve this, managers must undertake the following functions:
 * organization
 * planning
 * staffing
 * directing
 * controlling

Leadership is just one important component of the directing function.  
A manager cannot just be a leader; he also needs formal authority to be effective. "For any quality initiative to take hold, senior management must be involved and act as a role model. This involvement cannot be delegated."
In some circumstances, leadership is not required. For example, self-motivated groups may not require a single leader and may find leaders dominating. The fact that a leader is not always required proves that leadership is...

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Boston Business Coach, Michael Snedeker: Coach Michael Snedeker on How to Build a Successfu...

Boston Business Coach, Michael Snedeker: Coach Michael Snedeker on How to Build a Successfu...: How to Build a Successful TEAM… Selecting the right people is just the beginning of building a successful team for your business...

Coach Michael Snedeker on How to Build a Successful TEAM…

How to Build a Successful TEAM…

Selecting the right people is just the beginning of building a successful team for your business. However, you cannot simply expect that your team alone will transform your business and take it to its next level of performance.

It is equally important to have the following six elements in place:

1. Strong Leadership:

Tom Landry, the former coach of the Dallas Cowboys, said "Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you're in control, they're in control."

Strong leadership requires creating a working environment that encourages the cooperation of your team members. By encouraging and inspiring them, they in turn, will inspire and encourage the customers.

The goal of strong leadership is to maximize the "discretionary effort" that team members provide to meet team or company goals. That's the extra effort people provide, if they want to. Too often employees will do just what they have to do in order to 
get by.
In his best-selling business book Good to Great, author Jim Collins identifies common leadership elements that top performing organizations have in place to allow them to tap into this wealth of discretionary effort.

The most important element is what Collins calls "Level 5 Leadership." While these leaders have the ability to motivate their teams to pursue a clear and compelling vision and generate higher performance, they also demonstrate a unique blend of personal humility and professional will 
as they lead from the front to create the discretionary effort from all team members.

Another important element is the "the window and the mirror" concept to both protect and energize the leader's team. When things are going well, “Level 5” leaders look out the "window" and credit their team for the success; when things are going poorly they look in the "mirror" and take the responsibility for poor performance.

2. Common Goals:

Teams need to understand what their common 
business goals are and those goals need to supersede all individual goals. Sports teams provide an excellent example of this concept.

If the team understands that a common goal is to win the championship, then it will be easier for all team members to focus and concentrate on the team goal. If one or more team members are focused on individual goals, such as winning the scoring title, the performance of the entire team can be negatively affected.

Business is similar in this respect. If the salesperson is just focused on bringing in orders regardless of the cost to produce and ship that order, the common goal of maximizing profit will be at risk.

As people do what they are recognized and rewarded for, it is critical that the recognition and reward structure for individuals and for teams is consistent with the company's common goals.

Setting common goals for the business always starts with the owner's vision. This must be regarded as the central aim and leaders must enlist the support of all team members to inspire them to do the things that they have to do.

3. Rules of the Game:   
Employees also need to understand the rules that govern the way the owner conducts the business. The rules must be written down and made available to them.

If the owner doesn't provide employees with the "rules of the game" they will go outside the boundaries.

The process of setting the rules of the game will include specifying company culture and values as well as ensuring that individual roles and responsibilities are defined with positional contracts, and operations and procedures manuals.

Without providing defined rules including the company's culture, the owner or manager will need to rely on policing to run the business. Also, if the owner doesn't establish the culture, the employees will create a de facto culture that may not be to the owner's liking or in the best interests of the company.

4. Action Plan:

A key element for a winning team is a strong action plan that is spelled out in clear and unambiguous terms to all members of the team. While the common goals referred to above, help identify what the owner and the business want to do, the action plan identifies how the goals will be achieved. A good action plan will assign ownership of tasks, identify what resources are required, set timelines for when tasks should be completed, and provide measurement details of the current status of the tasks over the defined time-periods.

5. Support Risk-Taking:

Business is all about risk and reward. To make the business grow, a leader must be willing to support prudent risk-taking by the team. If the owner doesn't allow risk-taking, the business will lag behind market leaders. The level of risk-taking is usually related to the company's culture.

6. 100 percent Inclusion and Involvement:

The art of inclusion is driven by communication to all members of the team. By providing 100 percent inclusion, the owner can then require 100 percent involvement as an expectation of the organization's culture.

This will lead to trust and a comfort level by the owner to delegate responsibilities.